Test tubes of ROCK and POP lie scattered and there’s a permanent FUNKY smell in the air. It’s time to share the findings, our musical meanderings & our acoustic adventures.

This is the Nicholls Project!

Available for gigs in Devon, Dorset and Somerset at pubs and festivals in 2024 playing original material alongside some unexpected covers.

We can offer a stripped back acoustic set up for smaller events through to an extended band for larger corporate events, parties.
Contact us

Debut single from The Nicholls Project – released May 10th 2024

With decades of music experience, we are the Core Experimentalists:

Amy Nicholls (Creative Technician Vocals and keys) – Ladybear, M_Organ, Grooveline, The Collective.

Chris Newman (Frequencies monitor and Bass) – The Collective, Skyfall Dorset, Mutley Crue, Working Title, Fever

Si Snowdon (Chemical Engineer and drums) Jet black 3, Ladybear

Brian Street (Equalising Researcher and Guitar) – Former Mentors. Delta Tango 7, Raisin Cain

Amy Nicholls lead vocals songwriter singing teacher
Si Snowden band for hire Devon Dorset Somerset
Brian Street guitar band for hire Devon dorset Somerset